Our mission partners are people who have gone out from Emmanuel or with whom we have a personal connection. They are serving God outside our own parish in other parts of the UK or the world, or to train for mission service elsewhere.
Simon and his wife Sue served with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) in Tanzania for 13 years. Since they returned to the UK in 2018 Simon has been leading AIM’s work among the African Diaspora in the UK, people from the African continent, many of whom have not heard the Gospel.
Simon spends part of his time working in Croydon, meeting and supporting refugees through the Croydon Refugee Day Centre and teaching them English as a foreign language.
He also oversees and facilitates AIM’s work in other parts of the UK that have a large African population.
Please pray:
Jack and Sarah, with their son Ben, live in Tours, Northern France, where they serve as pastoral assistants in an evangelical church.
They are involved in many aspects of church life including worship leading (Sarah), preaching (Jack), youth work with 12-18 year olds and a variety of evangelistic activities.
PRAY for their work, that they may continue to build friendships in their church and community, and for Ben, growing up in a French environment.
For more information about European Christian Mission and its work in Europe, go to www.ecmi.org
Donald and Becky live with their sons, Ben, Elliot and Ethan, in the “Circle of Silence” in Mexico, an area with a population of over 23 million people and the largest concentration of unreached people in Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Their Predica Vida Bible training course exists to equip local people to take the gospel to least reached places and to plant Christ-centred churches.
PRAY for their ongoing work and family life, and for the boys, growing up as “Third Culture Kids” in a Spanish-speaking environment.
To find out more about them and their work in Mexico, visit their website, www.kamesesinmexico.co.uk or the SIM (Serving in Mission) website www.sim.co.uk/mission-workers/donald-and-becky-kamese/
Emily, formally a worship intern here at Emmanuel is setting up a hub to work with Croydon primary schools through Spinnaker Trust.
Spinnaker’s mission is to inspire primary school children to engage with the Christian faith and explore its beliefs and values by creating and providing quality resources appropriate for the teaching of Christianity through RE and Collective Worship.
It also offers appropriate training in primary RE and Collective Worship for schools staff.
Ruth is a South Sudanese woman, a former colleague of Jan King at Emmanuel Christian College. She works among South Sudanese women in refugee camps such as Palorinya and Bidibidi in northwest Uganda.
Ruth teaches them to lead Bible studies in their homes and about forgiveness, trauma and counselling skills. They are instructed and equipped to establish kitchen gardens, which can not only feed their families but also provide an income from the sale of surplus produce.
Ruth reports her work in meticulous detail, and we know that every penny we sent is used wisely.
Please pray;
Emmanuel has been supporting the work by X in Tajikistan through Scripture Union International for many years. Although Tajikistan is a Muslim country it has allowed some work by Christian missions although changes to their laws on religious practice have made this much more difficult in recent years.
X has worked with Scripture Union over many years and their work has included the creation of a camp site where they can run Christian camps for youth and children. She also works with childrens clubs and with girls and women in her home where she is able to share the good news of Jesus with them.”
Emmanuel encourages its members to consider what ministry God is calling them to. We seek to support and encourage those who go to train for ordination or other forms of ministry. If you think God may be calling you to a particular ministry, please have a word with our Vicar, John Adams or with Clare Jeffries, our Vocations Co-Ordinator.
Although we don’t currently have any members training for ordination we list below some of our more recent Ordinands who now serve as ministers:
Rev. Alistair Forster as the Priest-in-Charge of Axbridge with Shipham and Rowberrowas
Rev. Hannah Gordon as Rector of St Margaret’s, Chipstead.
Rev. Helen Fraser as Head of Vocations for the Church of England
Rev. Robert Gooding as Vicar of St Peter’s and St Leonard’s, Iver
Rev. Carole Gooding as Assistant Minister at St Peter’s and St Leonard’s, Iver (N.B. Carole was ordained after leaving Emmanuel)
Please pray for: