Emmanuel Croydon seeks to be a place of unconditional welcome, Christ-centred revival and deep discipleship,
for our generation and the next, in South Croydon and beyond.

Emmanuel Croydon is a Church of England parish within the Diocese of Southwark. We exist to be a community drawn together by our desire to know and follow Jesus. 

Each Sunday, there are two services of worship where we meet together. All our teaching, ministries and activities are rooted in the Bible, and our desire to see people respond to the living God through creative worship and openness to the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

We believe in God, the Father almighty, Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, and in the Holy Spirit his presence with us.

Jesus said ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father (God) except through me’.  John 14 v 6.

The way – He shows us how to enjoy God as our loving Father and how to live in relationship with those around us

The truth – He gives our lives purpose and direction; we build our lives with his teaching as the foundation

The life – He brings forgiveness for our past mistakes, freedom and joy to live fully in the present, and a future that carries the hope of eternal life. 

Intrigued? To find out more contact discipleship@emmanuelcroydon.org.uk

At our Annual Parochial Church Meeting on May 8th 2022 we shared the vision for Emmanuel. If you missed the presentation of the vision or wish to view it again please click below: