Supporting members of our congregation and local community at various stages of faith and family life is an important part of our life as a church. We run faith-based courses designed to help us with this aim.
How do you see life?
3-2-1 is a course that invites you to see life the way that Jesus does.
Inspired by Jesus vision of reality, 3-2-1 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through videos, illustrations and discussions.
3-2-1 runs on four Sunday evenings in F4, in the Emmanuel Centre, starting on 12th January 2025. Come and share tea and cake with us from 4:45pm and the evening will run from 5pm to 6:15pm.
F4, The Emmanuel Centre, Normanton Road
South Croydon, CR2 7AQ
The Bereavement Journey is a place to talk – 7 Sessions of films and discussion for anyone, whether grieving a death now, or wanting to explore a previous bereavement that may be unresolved. This course is for bereaved adults to do their own grief work. It is supported by a Guest Manual and facilitated by volunteers. Attendance is recommended for all the Sessions.
Everyone is welcome, although it is usually most beneficial to attend at least a few weeks after the death – ideally after the funeral, but this is not essential and The Bereavement Journey can benefit those in anticipatory grief, pregnancy loss or the long-term effects of loss.
Topics will include separation and loss; managing difficult feelings; the impact and pain of bereavement; coping with others; coping with change; attachment; and moving forward.
For further information please contact us by telephone 0208 688 6676 or email
Emmanuel Centre, Normanton Road
South Croydon, CR2 7AQ