Micah 6:8

Every day we face decisions and we make choices that indicate which direction our life compass is pointing towards.  As believers, we want that direction to be set by the God that we worship.

How does God expect his people to conduct themselves?  How can we truly understand what God asks of us? 

Over the coming five weeks in home groups, we are going to be working our way through the powerful words of Micah 6 : 8.

‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly; to love mercy; and to walk humbly with your God’. 

We will look, one section at a time, at what God shows us to be good;  what God requires of us; and what we learn from scripture about justice, mercy and humility. 

If you would like to watch a video on justice as something to think through on this topic, the Bible Project have an excellent introduction:


Bible Study Materials

The Bible Study materials are divided into sections:

Bible Study / Going Deeper / Listen and Pray

Please feel free to use some or all of the sections within each study in a way that works best for you or your group.

The Bible Study materials are free to download and print – just click the button below to access them: