1 Corinthians 12-14

This September, we will spend three weeks looking at chapters from the book of 1 Corinthians as we consider ways in which we can be motivated, challenged, and equipped as a church community. 

The famous chapter on love, chapter 13, is framed on either side by chapters on spiritual gifts and maturity.  As we think about our church – so different from the church in Corinth, yet using the same Scriptures to learn from, these chapters encourage us to rely more on the Holy Spirit, and to understand that our church family at Emmanuel is one built on the same foundation – Jesus Christ. 

Two great books that were helpful in preparing these studies were:

Love your Church by Tony Merida and 1 Corinthians 10-16 – Loving church by Mark Dever and Carl Lafterton (both published by The good book company)

Bible Study Materials

The Bible Study materials are divided into sections:

Bible Study / Going Deeper

Please feel free to use some or all of the sections within each study in a way that works best for you or your group.

The Bible Study materials are free to download and print – just click the button below to access them: